Dexamet Plus 30 ML (EXIMERK) Dexamethasone sodium Phosphate strongly vitaminized with B12 and B15, simple muscle stimulatory activators, with a strong increase in muscle performance and direct impact on short-term performance. Active maximum power around 3-4 hours.
Product profiled and designed for competition animals specifically
Presentation :
Bottle 30 ml
Dexamethasone 21 Phosphate 0.010gr
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) 2000mcg
Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) 0.200gr
Excipient 10ml
Dexaphenylbutazone 100ml
Super L-eticina Tornel 500ml
White Lightning 100mlBurn horse 15ml durvet
Dexalone Solution For Sale
Dexamet Plus 30ml